Hungarian Watertechnology Corporation

Reconstruction of a water treatment plant in Sri Lanka

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The goal of this project was the reconstruction of the Kalatuwawa and Labugama water treatment plants supplying drinking water for Colombo city. Keeping the plant functional throughout this process was both challenging and necessary. Design, manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning were a success and allowed for a smooth transition to running on full capacity.

Water treatment technology:
A complex process of sedimentation, flotation, filtration, chlorination and sludge treatment was implemented in order to achieve the following drinking water production capacity: Kalatuwawa – 90 000 m3/day and Labugama – 60 000 m3/day.

  • Location
    Asia / Sri Lanka / Colombo
  • Date
  • Customer and operator
    Betonútépítő Co. / Water Board Sri Lanka
  • Participating companies

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H-2030 Érd Fuvaros u. 14.
+ 36 (70) 521 2334

HWTC Hungarian Water Technology Corporation Ltd. was established in 2015 by Szabadics Civil Engineering and Construction Plc., Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd. and Controlsoft Ltd. following the successful implementation of a number of joint projects.