Page 3 - HWTC prospektus EN 20220811.cdr
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        Providing easy and constant access to healthy drinking water   In recent years, it has been a requirement for several projects
        is  our  mission  in  places  where  scarcity  or  lack  of   to  reach  zero  pollution  in  wastewater  treatment  and  use
        infrastructure  keep  people  from  disposing  of  this  vital   wastewater  as  an  energy  source.  We  are  able  to  produce
        resource.  Through  available  raw  water  sources  and   biogas and methane, which can be used as electrical energy
        humanitarian collaborative actions we provide communities   within the plant, therefore lowering our consumption from the
        with safe, clean water which is indispensable in improving   grid,  or  as  biofuel  for  our  vehicles.  The  remaining  sewage
        their quality of life.                                 sludge can be used in agriculture after being composted. We
                                                               supply  all-round  solutions  both  for  municipalities  and  for
        Growing  more  and  more  environmentally  conscious,  we
                                                               various  industries,  from  technological  design  through
        must  also  take  into  consideration  that  as  a  result  of  our   manufacturing  to  complete  installation,  start-up  and
        activities we are responsible for cleaning and recycling the   commissioning. We implement our technologies according to
        wastewater we create. HWTC’s goal is to build modern water
                                                               our  customer’s  requirements  with  the  help  of  our  own
        and wastewater treatment systems worldwide in line with
                                                               development and design department.
        standards of WHO and the European Union.

                                 Our work in numbers - More than...

             30                                           300                                         4000
           years of                                    employees                                    completed
        experiences                                                                                  projects

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